Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wow Ideas!

For this post, I'm going to take you through 3 completely fabulous, completely original, WOW ideas! I am greatly impressed with the ladies who came up with these gems on their own! 

The first WOW idea is a sweet, personal touch that works as both wedding decor and then home decor! 

She wrote out all of the things she loves about him on the "HE" poster, and he did the same about her on the "SHE" poster. It's such an adorable idea and I'm sure that their guests had a great time reading them and getting to know them as a couple a little bit better! And what a great thing to have in your house! Any time you get into a fight, you can always go back to those posters and remember the reasons why you love each other! Such a unique idea for wedding decor! 

(Found at The Knot)

WOW idea number two makes a HUGE impact on this wedding! 

Isn't it stunning? That is a parachute that they rented!! They hung it from the ceiling to create a very dramatic setting for their reception! And the kicker is, the rental only cost $35!! That is some serious ingenuity! 

(Found on 100 Day Wedding)

And finally, WOW idea number three. Now, certainly, the 1,000 cranes is not a new idea. But I have never seen it put together with this kind of flair before! 

This is the perfect venue for this kind of installation! It is an unforgettable touch that I'm sure their guests will be talking about for years to come!

(Found on Snippet and Ink)

I hope this inspires you to think outside of the box and come up with some very personal or very striking ideas for your own wedding!


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